Variance, written and directed by Taegen Carter, a story about a man searching for his wife in multiple dimensions.

Teddy, written and directed by Taegen Carter, a silent film with a hint of magic.

Destined, directed by Taegen Carter, starring Vanessa Vasquez (East Los High, Castle, Mad Families), Aric Hendrix and E.R. Ruiz (Sons of Anarchy, American Sniper).

Crimes and Mister Meanors (Amazon Prime), a feature length film directed by Jason Prisk of Creekside Entertainment.

Backyard, a documentary short directed by Deia Schlosberg, winner of a Student Emmy and the Emmy Humanitarian Award, addresses the negative effects of hydraulic fracturing on three different communities. 

Stain, a two time collaboration with Jerry White about a woman finding solace from grief. 

Dead Man's Bluff, an award-winning film noir short directed by Franklin Guerrero and starring Calvin Green, Sandra McCurdy and Matt Carmody.  

Encuere, a documentary directed by Simon Brand.  Contributed additional cues to the overall score.  

Dino Costa: Truth Unscripted (Amazon Prime) about the controversial Sirius XM Sports shock jock features on Mad Dog Russo's show.  

Kevin Johnson is a filmmaker, editor and expert in timelapse photography.  

The Solomon Bunch, a family comedy feature directed by two time collaborator, Jason Prisk, available on Amazon Prime and iTunes. 

A dramatic action scene from BattleForce, directed by Scott Martin for LionsGate